L-Cysteine (L-Cys ) Assay Kit

L-Cysteine (L-Cys ) Assay Kit

Size1:50T   Price1:$240
Size2:100T  Price2:$360

SKU: BC00042 Category: Metabolism Kits Tags: , ,


Product Introduction

L-cysteine is mainly distributed in the liver, spleen, and kidneys. It also accumulates in large quantities on the surface of the human body, including the skin, mucous membranes, and the surface of the digestive organs. It can strengthen the body's own defense capabilities and adjust the body's defense mechanisms when foreign matter, including those ingested orally, inhaled from the atmosphere, or invaded by contact with the skin, invades.


Detection Principle    

Cysteine reduces phosphotungstic acid DTNB to generate TNB, which has an absorption peak at 405 nm. The content of cysteine can be calculated by measuring the absorbance value at 405 nm.

The following standard curve is for reference only:

Product Composition

Serial Number

Product Name

Packing Specifications


Packing Specifications



Reagent 1


0.8 mL

1.5 mL

store at 2-8 after opening

Reagent 2

Acid reagent

8 mL

15 mL

store at 2-8 after opening

Reagent 3


8 mL

16 mL

store at 2-8 after opening

Reagent 4

Standard (10 mmol/L)

0.8 mL

1.5 mL

store at 2-8 after opening

Consumables 1

96-well ELISA plate

1 plate

1 plate


Consumables 2

96-well membrane

2 pieces

2 pieces



Storage conditions

The unopened kit can be stored at -20 for 12 months. After opening, it can be stored at 4 for 3 months.  


This product is intended for scientific research use only by professionals and must not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, in food or drugs, or stored in ordinary residences.