Alternative Names
Semaphorin-3C; Semaphorin-E; Sema E; SEMA3C; SEMAE
Semaphorin 3C is one of six Class 3 secreted semaphorins, which are potent chemorepellents, that play a role in axon and/or vascular guidance during development can be up-regulated in the process of tumor progression. Semaphorin 3C consists of a 20 amino acids signal sequence, a N-terminal Sema domain, a cysteine knot, a furine-type cleavage site, an Ig-like domain, and a C-terminal basic domain. Semaphorin 3C expressed highly in the heart, colon, skeletal muscle, small intestine, testis, ovary and prostate, expressed lowly in the other organs, including the brain.
For Research Use Only , Not for Diagnostic Use.