EnkiLife provides products to the global life science community by a worldwide distribution network, to order from your local distributors, please ask information from order@enkilife.com. At the same time, we appreciate the cooperation with distributors to better serve our customers. If you are a distribution company seeking for cooperation, we’d be happy to discuss the opportunities with you, in this case please email business@enkilife.com. |
Country/Region | Distributor | Contact |
Australia | RESOLVING IMAGES 1/9 Storey Road Reservoir Vic 3073 AUSTRALIA | Web: https://www.resolvingimages.com Tel: +61 3 9470 4704 Email: sales@resolvingimages.com |
China (Taiwan) | Harmony Biosolution Inc. 1F., No. 309-4, Sec. 1, Wenhua Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 220, Taiwan | Web: http://www.harmonybios.com Tel: +886-2-29083971 Email: harmony.biosolution@gmail.com |
Japan | Filgen, Inc. 1-1409 Jonoyama, Midori-ku, Nagoya, 459-8011 JAPAN | Web: https://filgen.jp/Profile/ProfileE.htm Tel: +81-52-624-4388 Email: support@filgen.jp |