Factor H functions as a cofactor in the inactivation of C3b by factor I and also increases the rate of dissociation of the C3bBb complex (C3 convertase) and the (C3b)NBB complex (C5 convertase) in the alternative complement pathway. Glycoprotein that plays an essential role in maintaining a well-balanced immune response by modulating complement activation. Acts as a soluble inhibitor of complement, where its binding to self markers such as glycan structures prevents complement activation and amplification on cell surfaces (PubMed:21285368, PubMed:25402769). Accelerates the decay of the complement alternative pathway (AP) C3 convertase C3bBb, thus preventing local formation of more C3b, the central player of the complement amplification loop (PubMed:19503104). As a cofactor of the serine protease factor I, CFH also regulates proteolytic degradation of already-deposited C3b (PubMed:18252712, PubMed:28671664). In addition, mediates several cellular responses through interaction with specific receptors. For example, interacts with CR3/ITGAM receptor and thereby mediates the adhesion of human neutrophils to different pathogens. In turn, these pathogens are phagocytosed and destroyed (PubMed:9558116, PubMed:20008295).
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