Alternative Names
Ly6/PLAUR Domain-Containing Protein 3; GPI-Anchored Metastasis-Associated Protein C4.4A Homolog; Matrigel-Induced Gene C4 Protein; MIG-C4; LYPD3; C4.4A
Ly6/PLAUR domain containing3 (LYPD-3) is a GPI-linked protein. The structure of LYPD-3 is similar to the urokinasetype plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR). LYPD-3 is a 6 -100 kDa molecule with variable cell type-specific N-O-linked glycosylation, mature human LYPD-3 contains two uPAR/Ly6 domains and a Ser/Thr/Pro-rich (STP) region includes a protease sensitive site . The interaction of LYPD-3 with Laminin 1 and 5 on neighboring cells promotes the adhesion, spreading, and migration of tumor cells. LYPD-3 additionally interacts with Galectin-3 and the anterior gradient proteins AG-2 and AG-3. LYPD-3 overexpression in non-small cell lung cancer is predictive of increased mortality.
For Research Use Only , Not for Diagnostic Use.