Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit

Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit

Size1:500T  Price1:$200

SKU: BC00011 Category: Metabolism Kits Tags: ,


Product Introduction

Nitric Oxide (NO) is widely distributed in the body, including the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urogenital and other systems, especially in the nervous tissue. As an information substance between cells and within cells, it plays a role in signal transmission. It is a new type of biological messenger molecule and plays an important role in the physiological and pathological processes of the body.

Product Features

1. This kit uses the classic Griess Reagent and optimizes its assay solution system to achieve a detection limit of 1 µM and a perfect linear relationship in the range of 1-100 µM.

2. The detection speed is extremely fast, and it only takes 3 minutes to complete the determination of a standard curve or 5-10 samples.

3. The sample range is wide and can detect the content of nitric oxide in cells or tissues and their culture medium. Phenol red and 10% serum have no obvious interference with the determination. The content of nitric oxide in serum, plasma and urine can also be detected.


Nitric oxide (NO) is an extremely unstable biological free radical that can be rapidly oxidized in vivo or in aqueous solution to form nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-). Under acidic conditions, nitrite first reacts with p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (sulfanilamide) to form a diazonium salt, and then reacts with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride (NED) to form a purple-red azo compound. The concentration of the generated azo compound has a linear relationship with the concentration of NO, and the concentration of NO can be indirectly calculated by colorimetry.


Serial number


Size (500T)


Reagent 1

1M NaNO2 Standard

1 ml

Store at -20, away from light.

Reagent 2

Griess Reagent I

25 ml

Store at -20, away from light.

Reagent 3

Griess Reagent II

25 ml

Store at -20, away from light.

Consumable 1

Microplate(96 wells)

5 plates


Consumable 2

Plate Sealer

10 pieces



The unopened kit can be stored at -20 for 12 months.

After opening the bottle, store at -20°C away from light, valid for one year; store at 4°C away from light, valid for half a year.


This product is intended for scientific research use only by professionals and must not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, in food or drugs, or stored in ordinary residences.