This gene encodes a netrin 1 receptor. The transmembrane protein is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules, and mediates axon guidance of neuronal growth cones towards sources of netrin 1 ligand. The cytoplasmic tail interacts with the tyrosine kinases Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK, also known as PTK2) to mediate axon attraction. The protein partially localizes to lipid rafts, and induces apoptosis in the absence of ligand. The protein functions as a tumor suppressor, and is frequently mutated or downregulated in colorectal cancer and esophageal carcinoma. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2009],disease:Colorectal tumors that lost their capacity to differentiate into mucus producing cells uniformly lack DCC expression. Inactivation of DCC due to allelic deletion and/or point mutations may cause both lymphatic and hematogenous metastasis of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas.,function:Receptor for netrin required for axon guidance. Mediates axon attraction of neuronal growth cones in the developing nervous system upon ligand binding. Its association with UNC5 proteins may trigger signaling for axon repulsion. It also acts as a dependence receptor required for apoptosis induction when not associated with netrin ligand. Implicated as a tumor suppressor gene.,PTM:Ubiquitinated; mediated by SIAH1 or SIAH2 and leading to its subsequent proteasomal degradation.,similarity:Belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily. DCC family.,similarity:Contains 4 Ig-like C2-type (immunoglobulin-like) domains.,similarity:Contains 6 fibronectin type-III domains.,subunit:Interacts with the cytoplasmic part of UNC5A, UNC5B, UNC5C and probably UNC5D.,tissue specificity:Found in axons of the central and peripheral nervous system and in differentiated cell types of the intestine.,
Research Area
Axon guidance;Pathways in cancer;Colorectal cancer;