Glycophorin C (GYPC) is an integral membrane glycoprotein. It is a minor species carried by human erythrocytes, but plays an important role in regulating the mechanical stability of red cells. A number of glycophorin C mutations have been described. The Gerbich and Yus phenotypes are due to deletion of exon 3 and 2, respectively. The Webb and Duch antigens, also known as glycophorin D, result from single point mutations of the glycophorin C gene. The glycophorin C protein has very little homology with glycophorins A and B. Alternate splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2012],function:This protein is a minor sialoglycoprotein in human erythrocyte membranes. The blood group Gerbich antigens and receptors for Plasmodium falciparum merozoites are most likely located within the extracellular domain. Glycophorin C plays an important role in regulating the stability of red cells.,online information:Blood group antigen gene mutation database,online information:Glycophorin C entry,polymorphism:GYPC is responsible for the Gerbich blood group system.,subcellular location:Linked to the membrane via Band 4.1.,tissue specificity:Glycophorin C is expressed in erythrocytes. Glycophorin D is ubiquitous.,
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