Alternative Names
IL-17 RE; IL-17 receptor E; IL17RE; IL-17RE; interleukin 17 receptor E
Interleukin 17 Receptor E (IL 17 RE) is an approximately 70 kDa (predicted) transmembrane protein in the family of IL 17 receptors. IL 17 RE is expressed on keratinocytes, mucosal epithelial cells, Th17 cells, and gamma /δ T cells. It associates with the widely expressed IL 17 RA to form a heterodimeric receptor for IL-17C. IL-17C binds to IL 17 RE with high affinity and to IL 17 RA with low affinity. IL 17C expression is induced by inflammatory stimulation in colon and airway epithelial cells, keratinocytes, CD4+ T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. It is up regulated in various chronic inflammatory diseases including psoriasis, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). IL 17 RE is reciprocally down regulated in psoriatic lesions. The interaction of IL 17C with IL 17 RE promotes mucosal immunity through the induction of anti bacterial peptides and pro inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. IL 17C action supports the integrity of the colon epithelium following infection induced damage but also contributes to psoriatic skin thickening and the progression of arthritis. IL 17C is additionally up regulated in Th17 cell dependent autoimmunity. In this setting, it exacerbates disease severity by inducing Th17 cell production of IL 17A, IL 17F, IL 22, CCR6, and CCL20. The up regulation of IL 17 RE in hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with poor prognosis.
For Research Use Only , Not for Diagnostic Use.