Alternative Names
AAT5; activin A receptor type II-like kinase, 53kD; ACVRLK4; ALK-5; ALK-5ALK5; LDS1A; LDS2A; SKR4; tbetaR-I; TGFB1R1; TGF-beta receptor type I; TGFbetaRI; TGFBR1; TGF-bRI; TGFR-1
TGF-beta RI, also called ALK-5, is an approximately 55 kDa type I transmembrane serine/threonine receptor kinase. In the presence of TGF-beta, TGF-beta RI forms a complex with, and is phosphorylated by, TGF-beta RII. Phosphorylated TGF-beta RI can then transiently bind and phosphorylate Smad2 and Smad3. TGF-beta functions as a tumor suppressor by inhibiting the cell cycle in the G1 phase. Administration of TGF-beta is able to protect against mammary tumor development in transgenic mouse models in vivo. Disruption of the TGF-beta/SMAD pathway has been implicated in a variety of human cancers, with the majority of colon and gastric cancers being caused by an inactivating mutation of TGF-beta RII. TGF-beta RI is likely important during development, since mice deficient for TGF-beta RI die at midgestation with severe defects in vascular development of the yolk sac and placenta, and an absence of circulating red blood cells. Furthermore, TGF-beta RI appears to be involved in proper lymphatic network development.
For Research Use Only , Not for Diagnostic Use.