Alternative Names
NHP2-Like Protein 1; High Mobility Group-Like Nuclear Protein 2 Homolog 1; OTK27; SNU13 Homolog; hSNU13; U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP 15.5 kDa Protein; NHP2L1
NHP2-Like Protein 1 (NHP2L1) is a member of the ribosomal protein L7Ae family. NHP2L1 proteinis limited to the nucleus, primarily focused in the dense fibrillar component of the nucleolus. NHP2L1 has been shown to interact with RAD17and PRPF31. The protein undergoes a conformational change upon RNA-binding. NHP2L1 binds to the 5-stem-loop of U4 snRNA and may play a role in the late stage of spliceosome assembly, prior to step I of splicing catalysis.
For Research Use Only , Not for Diagnostic Use.