This gene encodes a protein that was identified in a screen for genes expressed in metastatic cells, specifically, mammary adenocarcinoma cell lines. Expression of this gene has been correlated with the metastatic potential of at least two types of carcinomas although it is also expressed in many normal tissues. The role it plays in metastasis is unclear. It was initially thought to be the 70kD component of a nucleosome remodeling deacetylase complex, NuRD, but it is more likely that this component is a different but very similar protein. These two proteins are so closely related, though, that they share the same types of domains. These domains include two DNA binding domains, a dimerization domain, and a domain commonly found in proteins that methylate DNA. The profile and activity of this gene product suggest that it is involved in regulating transcription and that this may be accomplished by chrodevelopmental stage:Highly expressed in metastatic cells.,function:May be involved in the regulation of gene expression by covalent modification of histone proteins. The long isoform is a corepressor of estrogen receptor (ER). The short isoform binds to ER and sequesters it in the cytoplasm and enhances non-genomic responses of ER.,miscellaneous:The short isoform contains a Leu-Arg-Ile-Leu-Leu motif (ER binding motif).,similarity:Contains 1 BAH domain.,similarity:Contains 1 ELM2 domain.,similarity:Contains 1 GATA-type zinc finger.,similarity:Contains 1 SANT domain.,subunit:Component of the nucleosome-remodeling and histone-deacetylase multiprotein complex (NuRD). Interacts with HDAC1 and ITGB3BP/CENPR.,tissue specificity:Widely expressed. High expression in brain, ovaries, adrenal glands and virgin mammary glands. Higher in tumors than in adjacent normal tissue from the same individual.,
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