caution:The sequence shown here is derived from an Ensembl automatic analysis pipeline and should be considered as preliminary data.,miscellaneous:One of the 8 copies of RANBP2 clustered close to the centromere of chromosome 2.,miscellaneous:One of the 8 copies of RANBP2 clustered close to the chromosome 2 centromere.,similarity:Contains 1 GRIP domain.,similarity:Contains 2 RanBD1 domains.,similarity:Contains 2 TPR repeats.,similarity:Contains 3 TPR repeats.,tissue specificity:Expressed in testis.,caution:The sequence shown here is derived from an Ensembl automatic analysis pipeline and should be considered as preliminary data.,miscellaneous:One of the 8 copies of RANBP2 clustered close to the centromere of chromosome 2.,miscellaneous:One of the 8 copies of RANBP2 clustered close to the chromosome 2 centromere.,similarity:Contains 1 GRIP domain.,similarity:Contains 2 RanBD1 domains.,similarity:Contains 2 TPR repeats.,similarity:Contains 3 TPR repeats.,tissue specificity:Expressed in testis.,
Research Area