Alternative Names
Dermatopontin; Tyrosine-rich acidic matrix protein; TRAMP and DPT
Dermatopontin, also known as Tyrosine-rich acidic matrix protein, TRAMP and DPT, is a secreted protein which belongs to the dermatopontin family. DPT is expressed in various tissues, such as fibroblasts, heart, skeletal muscle, brain and pancreas. It seems to mediate adhesion by cell surface integrin binding. DPT may serve as a communication link between the dermal fibroblast cell surface and its extracellular matrix environment. DPT can enhance TGFB1 activity through interaction with decorin. In addition, DPT accelerates collagen fibril formation, stabilizes collagen fibrils against low-temperature dissociation and inhibits cell proliferation.
For Research Use Only , Not for Diagnostic Use.